vinyl LP record wall mount holder

For hanging those nice pictures that come with oversized coasters in them to your wall.
updated July 1, 2021



Use the .3mf file and a 0.8mm nozzle to get the same result. Ordinary glow in the dark filament looks okay-ish during the day, but I heard there is some purple stuff with glitter? If you don't care about the glow almost any other filament looks better. A plate of 6 pieces takes about 2h with a standard hotend. Sequential printing for cleaner results.

If your LPs differ more than approximately half a centimeter in size the system won't work(or at least the protection against falling out won't), but until now it hasn't failed whether we put some decades old or freshly pressed ones in there.

Distance nail-to-nail is 333mm (both vertical & horizontal), but better make a test-fit using a piece of wood first. You might want to use all three nails as intended. Apparently I don't even read my own instructions. We used 23x2mm nails and a single one was enough (~half a year on the wall, not recommended). Here's the link for reference. I swear I usually don't order nails on amazon, but we needed them as fast as the pieces print.

Filament: Extrudr PETG glow in the dark

Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
