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A 235x235x155 printer capable of a <5 minute speed benchy.
updated September 2, 2024




I have redesigned the top frame. The changed parts are in the “top frame v2” folder. The redesign had the following design goals:

  • Make the Tank printable on itself by reducing the z height needed to print the top frame corners. (untested)
  • Lower the motor mounts to reduce the distance of the pulleys from the motors. This appears to have fixed artifacts I was getting on the diagonal driven by the left motor, which had the furthest distance of the pulley from the motor.
  • Make motor installation simpler with access holes for all screws
  • Provisions for aux cooling (untested)
  • Change the motor cooling fans to blow instead of suck.
  • Shorten the gantry towers to reduce the length of their moment arm (only ended up being a ~2mm reduction though). Note that the Y rods were raised by this amount to keep the toolhead at the same Z height, so other gantries might raise your nozzle slightly.

The gates gantry in the folder is designed to be used with the tensioner from and the corresponding gates toolhead carriage from that page or from

Note that you will need to mirror the frame corners in the slicer to print the right side.


I built a The 100 Extended Edition and had bed wobble issues, so I decided to mod the base v1.1 from scratch to add an Ender 3 sized bed and added triple independent lead screws. The design reuses a lot of the parts I already had for that build.

I also added side bracing and kept the base v1.1 print height to address frame flexing issues, and active motor cooling through enlarged motor mount sidewalls.

So far I have achieved a 4 min 28 sec speed benchy.

Currently there is no electrical mounting as I plan to make a separate enclosure. 

Associated Models

Print Settings

I recommend using Orca slicer and using the .3mf file as a reference. It has most of the print plates already setup.

Use the belt tensioners, and toolhead from the v1.1.

Here are the base settings. Note that I used some different settings from the v1.1 to be more rigid.

  • 0.25 layer height
  • 0.5 line width for all wall types
  • 1.5mm top shell thickness
  • 1.5mm bottom shell thickness
  • 3 walls
  • 25% cubic infill


BOM is in the files. However, I built this after a 100 Extended Edition so if you have built one of those previously you only need:

The original printer used a 24v 15a power supply. Based on the load of the larger bed and more motors, I recommend a 24v 25a power supply instead.

Useful Links


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Modified to have 3 lead screws, a rigid frame, and an Ender 3 bed.
