So I made this fairly rushed version of an RGB LED clock. I may have been a bit late to the contest so its not perfectly thought out. If this gets any interest Ill dedicate more time to clean up the model and make it fit better. There's a build video coming hopefully before the contest ends.
I have used an esp32 nodemcu clone and 72 adafruit neopixels to make it run but it can be wired with whatever controller and set rgb leds you have on hand or are comfy working with.
Ill do my best to have the code and build video up as soon as possible.
Happy printing.
update 0.1:
Accidentally uploaded wrong stl files.
update 0.2:
Uploaded arduino sketch for esp32 (its not great but it works, don't judge me)
To do list:
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.