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Moved Screw Hole Rounded Corners Added Chamfer Added Screw Hole
updated December 28, 2023



Belt gear support for the CR 5 PRO and CR 5 PRO H


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

CR-5 PRO : X-Axis Belt Tensioner and X-Axis Idler mount
by DoTheDIY
Original model was switched to draft or deleted

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Moved Screw Hole, to fit my printer (the threaded insert was not aligned with the original model for me)
Rounded Corners, added a curveture to the corner where it meets with the edge of the slider, because when printing my printer left a burr there due to the deceleration of the print head before the 90 degree turn. Now less deceleration and more space for extra material.
Added Chamfer, to make it easier to remove from the build plate 
Added Screw Hole, for my own design of the slider where there is an extra screw hole to accommodate this part, design for the whole movment system avilable on cults3d for sale.
