HSW clamp with longer connector

The 2x4 I needed to attach my Honeycomb Storage Wall to was a little too far away, so I made this.
updated December 27, 2023



The wall stud I needed to affix my HoneyComb Storage Wall to is about 4cm behind it. Luckily, a tabbed insert will actually fit the honeycomb and stay reasonably well from behind, so I made a new connector to fit my purposes.

By using the included OpenSCAD file (Library for attachments required - see the remix credits) along with also included frame-long_fixed.stl, you can make your own clamp with whatever length connector you need. The rest of the necessary clamp parts (screw-end.stl and screw-long.stl) are available from the original.

Print fairly strongly - PETG and 20% infill so you can tighten the screw sufficiently without damaging the part.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

I removed the original connector and replaced it with a longer custom HSW insert made using the Updated OpenSCAD library for HSW attachments.


Highlighted models from creator

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