Remix of "Olo Deepdelver" Filament Spool Shelf system - V2.
I like the clean and minimalistic look of the rack but had to redesign it since the original is 1 cm to wide for my PRUSA Mini printbed.
Since I was on it I also changes some other parts:
- I love clean looks, so I wanted to hide the big screws.
→ made clip-on screw-covers for the end parts . - added a version where the hole for the rod is covered at one side.
give it (in my opinion) a cleaner look when used as end-parts. - I wanted to stack the “small” versions since I like the look of them better.
→ made the “stacker” for easy measurement & cleaner look.
the holes fit for:
- fixation of the rods:
3mm countersunk-screw up to 30mm length (recommend at least 20mm) - fixation to the wall:
up to 4.5mm cylinder head screw.
4mm will also work, at 5mm the head is to thick to be able to hide the screw.
Its designed for usage of 20mm rods.
At least in my area you can find them out of wood with 1m length for cheap money in every hardware store.
- Stacker & Screw cover can be printed without support.
- The Screw cover has a build in rim which to ensure that it will stick to the print bed.
- The main parts need support at the ends which will be covered by the ScrewCover or spacer later.
The author remixed this model.
Differences of the remix compared to the original
- redesigned that it is printable on PRUSA-Mini (→ 18cm max)
- change screw holes from countersunk-screw to cylinder head screw to prevent splitting when to much pressure is applied
- redesigned top & bottom to be able to hide the screws
- added a “Stacker” part for easy way to find the right distance when several of them will be used above each other.
( I also think it looks cleaner than a lot of individual shelfs)