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Qidi X Plus 3 Bed Leveling tool (V2) (2nd Gen)

Just a tool to finely dial in the bed level before the KLIPPER bed mesh
updated December 22, 2023



So I made this little leveling tool to finely tune in the bed mesh prior to running the leveling in KLIPPER. I used a standard 1" travel harbor freight dial indicator @.001 incriments.

You can see by the pictures that it sits on the linear rods and you can move the bed to fine tune down to +- .001. My bed was off about .007 betweeen corners.  Its not alot, less than 2 sheets of paper thickness. But enough to “bug” me.

If you take of the magnetic sheet, there are allen head screws that can be adjusted up or down to move the bed. Just loosen the 8mm lock nut. do your adjustments and then retighten. Run the mesh and hopefully you will get rid of most of the imperfection. 


Now the caveat.. You will never get you bed perfectly level and the mesh will take up the slack, but I want it to be as mechanically zero as possible.

It's designed to fit fairly firm over the 10mm rods and will resist rocking. There is a 6mm hole that you can put a pin or bolt through if it is loose for you.


Op Note. You have to home the machine first before doing the manual level because you cant raise the z high enough for dial indicator engagement. Then just use the Y axis travel to level front to back. use one corner a “home plate” for zero.  has to be done on both left and right sides. X travel is by physically moving tool on the rails…

Your best bet is to make one corner zero, then match the opposite “x” corner. Then run the "y axis. Rinse and repeat for the oposite side. Takes a bit to fine tune, but its miniscule movements on the bed screws.

I printed mine laying on its side. I used Orca for slicing. @ 0.20. Trees for support.




Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
