Replacement brackets for Hettich's MultiTech drawer system.
Part numbers: 08855, 08856, 08857 and 08858.
Will fit on drawers 11 cm (4.33") deep and over.
- 1 left and 1 right-side brackets;
- 1 left and 1 right-side clamps.
Installation of the printed brackets requires 4× flat-head (countersunk) M4×10 (#10×3/8) self-tapping screws.
The screws required to mount the bracket to the front plate can be reused from an existing installation.
High infill (> 50%) and/or wide walls (> 1mm) are required for maximum strength and to give the screws something to bite in.
Easy to print and requires no supports.
Both STL and 3MF formats provided.
Using a material with a low coefficient of thermal expansion such as PLA or PETG is highly recommended.
Also available as a pre-printed kit:
The provided files are licensed for non-commercial, personal use only.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.