Two pairs of ‘universal stands’ to support a Raspberry Pi Maker PCB assembly that can be used with any of the 2x20 GPIO Raspberry Pis e.g. the PiZero, Pi3A, Pi3B, Pi4B or simply to connect to a GPIO extension cable.
6mm M2 self-tapping screws are used for attaching the stands to both the PCB or the Raspberry Pi.
More detail on the usage context is available from this link and example software for a wide range of Raspberry Pi ‘maker’ projects as well as the design files for the custom PCB can be downloaded from here.
Printed with 1.75mm PLA using 0.15 layers, a 3mm brim and support on the build plate only, the print details on an i3 Mk3 are:
The author marked this model as their own original creation.