I modified a 3D model by cdwhite from Sketchfab so I could have some more decor around the house.
I think you could print this without supports if you're careful. I'm fairly new to 3D printing so I printed it laying down on it's back using tree supports. The finish on the back wasn't the best but the front came out pretty nice.
I did have to do some sanding after the fact to get a finish that was closer to what I imagined though.
I used Bambu Slicers variable layer height function and turned the quality all the way up. Printed at 0.08 with a .4 nozzle on an A1.
I'm working on making this a Voronoi statue as well, that should be fun.
The author remixed this model.
Chopped off some limbs to make it more of a desk sculpture/statue.