Schroeder from Peanuts MP3 Player Piano with 12 LED keys: The piano (and Schroeder) were remixed at 150% scale. All remixed files are at the larger scale to accomodate the electronics. Twelve warm white (3 mm) LEDs pseudo-randomly illuminate the white keys to a song when it is playing: Video
Print Instructions:
Resolution: 0.2 mm
Infill: 100% for all parts except piano top and bottom (10%)
Supports and brim: see the individual parts below.
Printing the piano parts:
Red: Fire Engine Red (eSUN PLA+)
Piano top
Piano bottom: 10% density supports (grid) at 80° that were blocked at the leg holes.
USB charging port cover (there is a "B" for bottom orientation)
White: Cool White (eSUN PLA+)
White keys
LED holder
Black: Black (eSUN PLA+)
Black keys
Silver: eSilk Silver (eSUN PLA)
Candle holder (and MP3 player knob)
Wax Candle: A brim was used: Sandstone (Paramount 3D PLA)
Flame: Filament change at layer 128 to Fluorescent Yellow (Ziro PLA)
Electronics shopping list, hookup, programming, and building instuctions
The author remixed this model.
The hollow piano was remixed to accomodate a LilyPad MP3 player, speakers, microphone, mini breadboard, and 12 LEDs that light up when a song is played. It was designed to play the Charlie Brown Christmas Soundtrack but it will play any song that is uploaded onto the micro SD card.