Split up specific stls for printing with different colors in case you have an MMU or equivalent.
This is meant to be printed as separate parts (like the original model) and not a single-whole-ship print. So import all the stl files prefixed with “ship_” as one part; and then import all the stl files prefixed with “shipBTM_” as another seperate whole part; and then “tail_”, "thruster"_", “turret_”, “Wing_Left_”, “Wing_Right_". You can print more than one part on the bed at the same time just make sure to import all the files for that specific part together as a single thing.
I printed at 150% so the tail logo comes out nicely [at .2mm layer height]. But because of that it won't fit in a MK3S in the originally vertical orientation. Instead, I split it horizontally below the red line. I printed with auto supports from bed, but some things (like the tail logo even) seem fine without.
Ship.Top has 6 colors, but the red is only used on the bottom section. So make sure you swap out your red filament for blue [window] filament after those layers finish. You don't necessarily have to M600; you will have lots of time to get that done. Or do something similar.
Some parts are kinda jank since I had to reduce the mesh in F360, but it works.
The specific teal filament I used is Polymaker PolyTerra PLA - Forrest Green
Original model by ChaosCoreTech
The author remixed this model.