Skullwolf Headbase

3D file to print a Skull Wolf Dog Headbase for fursuit or halloween costume
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The model is currently not available for purchase because the author of the model does not have the payment method set correctly. Please contact the model creator via Messenger.
updated February 3, 2024


The files are already properly oriented ! The head is designed for a 24 centimeter tall head, to mesure your head you need a straight tools (like a ruler) from below the chin to top of your head. (example on the last picture)

To assemble it you'll need :

6 x M3 insert (hole are already marked) 
2 x M3 x 12mm (jaw articulation)
4 x M3 x 6mm (spring attatchement) 
2 x Traction spring 0.5mm, 15mm, 5mm (link : )

To scale : your size / 24 = %

Example : your size is 21 centimeter (you want to downsize) > your formula is 21 / 24 = 0,87 you have to put your model at 87% 
Example : your size is 25 centimer (you want to upsize) > your formula is 25 / 24 = 1,04 
you have to put your model at 104%

You can use this head in sour fursuit selling project but you have to credit me : Zata-s Arts
But you cannot sell Only the printed headbase !

My link to my website : 


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
