Use these print settings: 0.20mm height, %15 infill
Split the model at 12th print layer for filament change
Export gcode and start the print
Start inserting magnets when printer stops for filament change. Magnet size: 5x1,5mm neodymium round magnet.
Magnets have two magnetic faces. The Magsafe ring also has two magnetic parts, inner and outer. Try the faces of the magnets on the back of your iPhone to find out which side is inside and which side is outside. Insert the magnets into the holes on the outside of the model, with the side of the magnet holding the outside of the iPhone facing down.
Insert the opposite sides of the magnets into the inner holes compared to the outer holes.
Start the print again.
Use the part facing the printing plate to hold the iPhone, by sticking double-sided tape on the back.