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Wifi enabled vase mode LED matrix lamp

Wifi enabled vase mode LED matrix lamp
updated July 11, 2021



Inspired by this video from bitluni I've designed this LED matrix lamp

Print instructions
  • The lamp shade needs to be printed in spiral vase mode with a layer height of 0.2mm and 4 bottom layers
  • The base is printed with a layer height of 0.15
  • The inlay can be printed in draft mode, since the surface quality doesn't matter
  • The base is designed to fit a WeMos D1 Mini esp32 clone from aliexpress(see parts list)
Assembly instructions 
  1. Flash WLED on to the ESP32 by follow this instruction starting at step 2:
  2. Solder the 5V and the ground wires of the LED panel to the pins of the power jack
  3. Wrap the LED panel around the inlay. The wires need to go in the cut outs of the inlay
  4. Push the assembly into the shade. Ensure that LEDs line up with the pattern of shade. This part is bit tricky
  5. Fit the power jack in to the hole of the base and fasten it with the screw nut
  6. Mount the esp board into the snap fit bracket of base.
  7. Connect the panel to the esp board. The red wire connects to 5V Pin of the board, the white wire to GND and the green wire to data pin(per default it's pin 2, can be changed in the WLED settings) These cheap esp boards don't have a reverse polarization protection, so better check the wiring twice.
  8. Push the shade onto the base. It's a tight fit so you may need to apply some force
Parts List

Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
