GoPro style thumb screw - M4

Please, refer to the OG description, this is a remixed model! See the "Model origin" section for further details :D
updated December 6, 2023


About tolerances.

I have dimensioned it considering the tolerances of my Prusa i3 MK3S+. The fit is so tight that you might need to use a precision tool like a hammer.

About screws.

Whenever I talk about screws on this model, I am actually talking about the DIN993 standard. In my particular case I am using M4x16mm, but you can use whatever length you need.

About the assembly.

Here is the process I have followed:

  1. Print the parts! :D
  2. Print a cylinder with an empty bore of around 4.5mm in diameter. Make sure it is large enough on the outside to cover the lower surface of the knob. Also, it is essential that it is tall enough to cover the screw once it is sticking out of the knob. Creating something like this directly in PrusaSlicer using two simple cylinder shapes should suffice. However, I am also providing the exact file I have used. Simply use the narrow cylinder as a negative volume.
    • Pro tip: You may print short version of this “hammering cylinder” so you can stack them in different configurations in order to cover screws of different lengths if you plan to use them! The end result will be the same.
  3. Choose the length of your screw and slide it inside the knob. It might be a tight fit, but with a bit of force from a tool like a screwdriver, you should be able to manage it.
  4. Try to push the lid as deep as possible, aligning the sides of the hex shape. Once it is no longer moving (unless you possess extraordinary strength!), turn it upside down against a hard surface, such as a table.
  5. The screw should now be pointing upwards. Then, place the earlier mentioned cylinder on the screw, covering it completely. Gently tap the top of the hammering cylinder until you feel that the lid and knob top surfaces are aligned.
  6. Finished! You can reuse the cylinder for other knobs, as long as they are for M4 screws or smaller. If needed for M5 knobs, feel free to adjust the dimensions of the inner cylinder in the file.

That is it! Cheers!


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

I liked the easy to print design, however my purpose was not to use them for action cams but for another kind of project. For that I need an M4 screw, thus I needed to readjust the dimensions of the design so it fits snuggly on a M4 screw instead of a M5 like the OG one.

