Aurora Class Battleship MMU Parts

Split up specific stls for printing with different colors in case you have an MMU or equivalent.
updated May 18, 2021



Split up specific stls for printing with different colors in case you have an MMU or equivalent.

  • Gray bits
  • Black bits
  • Copper bits
  • Blue window bits
  • Yellow engine bits

Mostly followed Martin's CAD on Youtube for colors, but it's not like you can't choose yourself. I haven't finished printing it myself so there may be mistakes. I believe printing the Aurora at 120% keeps it to scale with Martin's 303/304 ships and it will still fit within bed dimensions without further modification.


The pins are great for “Wipe into this object” parts to keep the purge waste down. I tried a ‘thin sheet’ trick on some parts to keep the filecount down; you can see it in the model previewer but it will disappear in the slice preview. “No sparse layers (EXPERIMENTAL)" also a great setting to use to keep some of purge towers smaller, just make sure to leave the correct spacing.

To quickly batch change colors for MMU in PrusaSlicer: select the parts on the list with Shift/Ctrl + left-click; right-click on a green-highlighted (selected) part of the model in the model viewer; Change Extruder at the bottom; choose the extruder with the desired color.

Read the prompts that popup when you're importing the files into PrusaSlicer. You may get a bunch of ‘do you want to convert to inches’ which you should select No. The last prompt will always be the one which asks if it's all one model which you need to select Yes. Don't click too fast ;)


Original model by Martin Taichl.


Edit - 5/27/2021 - modified xxx_-_aur_2h_gray.stl and added xxx_-_aur_2h_copper.stl


Model origin

The author remixed this model.


Highlighted models from creator

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