Support for 21mm microphone capsule. A friend gave me a condenser microphone because it sounded bad. He thought that the problem was the audio jack, but no, the problem was the microphone capsule, which had caught moisture. When I went to buy one to change it, on aliexpress I couldn't find any cheap one of the right size (16mm if I remember correctly), only one that was bigger than the original, 21mm. That's why I made this new support, which is the same as the original, but with a larger circle. A couple of days after doing it I was still wondering about it and why it had originally broken. It turns out that this type of microphone, to avoid this problem, you have to use a filter in front of it, as is often seen in the recordings. I've never seen such a filter in person, but it seemed like it was just a fine sponge. That's why I then made the other complement, a larger circle to be able to incorporate the filter inside the microphone itself and thus avoid having the filter outside disturbing. Now I just need to learn to sing or have friends to connect with on discord. The truth is that I've always wanted to learn to sing, but there's no way, I sound horrible. If we were in medieval times, listening to myself sing could be torture, especially if it's in a language other than Spanish, it's deadly there. To talk on discord I used to use the integrated microphone of my headphones (sony sbh60), but now I use linux and there is no way to change from high quality audio codec to that of headphones with microphone (you can choose, usually it is done automatically, between listen well without a microphone or regular listening but also be able to use the microphone, to speak, it is evident that I need the second). At least I support open software, in the same way that this design is free and I have uploaded the fusion360 file so you can easily modify it. Remember to always support open software and hardware ;)
Soporte para cápsula de micrófono 21mm. Un amigo me dio un microfono de condensador porque se escuchaba mal. EL pensaba que el problema era el jack de audio, pero no, el problema era la capsula del microfono, que habia cogido humedad. Cuando me dispuse a comprar una para cambiarla, en aliexpress no encontré ninguna economica del tamaña adecuado (16mm si no recuerdo mal), solo una que era más grande que la original, de 21mm. Por eso hice este soporte nuevo, que es igual que el original, pero con un circulo mayor. Un par de dias despues de hacerlo yo seguia dondele vueltas al asunto y porque se le habia roto originalmente. Resulta que ese tipo de microfonos, para evitar ese problema, hay que usar delante un filtro, como se suele ver en las grabaciones. Nunca he visto un filtro de esos en persona, pero parecia que solo era una esponja fina. Por eso luego hice el otro complemto, un circulo más grande para poder incorporar el filtro dentro del propio microfono y así evitar tener el filtro por fuera molestando. Ahora solo me falta aprender a cantar o tener amigos con los que conectarme en discord. La verdad es que siempre he querido aprender a cantar, pero no hay manera, sueno horroroso. Si estuvieramos en la epoca medieval, una tortura podria ser escucharme cantar, sobre todo si es en un idioma que no sea castellano, ahi ya es mortal. Para hablar por discord solia usar el microfono integrado de mis cascos (sony sbh60), pero ahora uso linux y no hay forma de cambiar de codec de audio de alta calidad al de auriculares con microfono (se puede elegir, normalemente se ahce automatico, entre escuchar bien sin microfono o escuchar regular pero tambien poder usar el microfono, para hablar, es evidente que necesito el segundo). Por lo menos apoyo el software libre, de la misma forma que este diseño es libre y he subido el archivo de fusion360 para que podais modificarlo facilmente. Recordad apoyar siempre el software y hardware libre ;)
Category: AudioThe author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.