Krampus - the lord of terror and horror at Christmas time.
If you've had enough of Christmas carols and the song "All I want for Christmas is you" , you have a unique opportunity to bring the universe back into balance with this little Krampus.
Print it out, clean it up, pour yourself a glass of alcohol, get your paints and brushes ready, put on some Sepultura and enjoy the holidays.
Have fun.
Krampus - pán děsu a teroru v době Vánoc.
Pokud už máš dost vánočních koled a písně "All i want for Christmas is you" , máte jedinečnou možnost vrátit vesmír do rovnováhy právě timhle malým Krampusem.
Vytiskni to , očisti to, nalij si sklenku alkoholu, nachystej barvy a štětce, pusť si třeba Sepulturu a užij si svátky.
přeju příjemnou zábavu
The author marked this model as their own original creation.