Build your own custom Christmass tree. Parametric Scad file
updated April 16, 2024



Fully customizable decoration Christmas tree. You can create your very own tree playing with:

  • tree base
  • tree height
  • number of segments
  • number of faces
  • size of LED hole

Adjusting the above parameters will generate very distinctive shapes.

If you don't want to mess with OpenScad, you can download any of the preset stls and scale them in slicer.

Workflow instructions

  • download and install OpenScad
  • open the file xmass_tree_parametric_bogo.scad
  • make sure the “Customizer” window is open
  • play with parameters until you obtain the shape you wanted (step 1 in picture)
    • don't go too crazy with values
    • number of faces must be ≥ 3. However, any number greater than 60 will generate a perfect circle.
    • initial object have no LED hole (hole_size=0). If you need one, just increase the value according to yout LED size.
    • also if you want to save some time and material, you can increase the hole size to go closer to polygon perimeter.
    • note that the hole size is the radius not diameter
    • inspect the resulted object. If you observe scary overhangs, readjust parameters
    • a ratio of total_height vs base of 3/1 is recommended but not mandatory
    • upon changing a parameter just move cursor to another box and the object wil be automatically previewed
  • when happy with the shape, press button “render” (number 2 in picture)
  • press button “export as STL” (number 3 in picture) and save the file
  • from now on you know the thrill :)
  • if you want to add a tea light to the base, just glue it. Hot glue works fine.
  • should you have questions of any unclear aspects, please leave a comment here and we'll try to clarify.

Printing tips:

  • print object in vase/spiral mode
  • increase the line_width to 110-140%
  • pay attention to the top of the tree. According to your printer cooling capability, you may need to reduce the layer time
  • do not exceed 0.20mm layer height. It may negatively affect overhangs
  • for more stability you may increase the bottom layers number (at least 3)

Happy printing and Merry Christmas!


PS: In case you appreciate the model, please don't be shy and press that button! :)


I like beer but also need coffee in the morning. Here is the link ;) :


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Customizable Christmas Tree
by mightynozzle (

Differences of the remix compared to the original

  • The tree generation function have a total different approach.
  • Hole can be added to base in order to accommodate tea lights LED. 

