The top hook has a larger opening and thicker neck.
The original design has great clamping strength but the hook broke easily.
This larger hook opening makes it so you can fit thicker stuff into it without having to upscale it. And the thicker neck can really hang on to stuff.
I use it for drapes.
Remixed it with Autodesk Fusion 360, sliced with Simplify3d, printed with ender 3 S1 pro, material PETG, at 250C nozzle and 80C bed, 0.12 mm layer thickness. 0.12 mm because I didn't want the laws to fuse. and it didn't
The author remixed this model.
Changed the top hook so it has a larger opening and thicker neck for extra strength and so it fits on bigger stuff, original design neck was too thin and broke easily and couldn't hang on thicker stuff.