I'm currently in the midst of an exhilarating 3D printing journey, crafting a dazzling LGBTQIA sign that will soon grace my space. As my BLV Riser and an array of other projects take shape, this vibrant symbol of inclusion and love is next in line. My creative palette boasts a spectrum of colors, and I can't wait to transform them into a mesmerizing display of pride.
Stay tuned for the grand reveal! Once the sign adorns my wall, I'll capture its radiance and share a visual feast with you through a series of captivating photographs. And, of course, I've added a playful touch to this moment – when the sign is up, I invite everyone to join in the celebration by raising their hand high above their head, snapping their fingers with flair, and joyfully exclaiming 'GAAAAAYYYYYYY.' Let's spread the message of love and acceptance far and wide! Share the love, and photos with Ronny, he should still be in Florida.
UPDATE: When I printed this, I decided to add more, I am still creating each one, but there will be:
Lesbian: A woman who is romantically and/or sexually attracted to other women.
Gay: Typically used to refer to men who are romantically and/or sexually attracted to other men but can also be used more broadly to describe same-sex attraction regardless of gender.
Bisexual: Someone who is romantically and/or sexually attracted to people of both their own gender and other genders.
Trans: Short for transgender, which refers to individuals whose gender identity differs from the sex assigned to them at birth.
Ace: Short for asexual, someone who experiences little to no sexual attraction to others.
Achillean: A term sometimes used to describe someone who is attracted to men or masculinity.
Agender: A person who identifies as having no gender or as gender neutral.
Alterous: A type of attraction that falls outside the romantic and platonic binary, often described as a form of affection that is not easily categorized.
Androphilia: An attraction primarily to men or masculinity, often used as the counterpart to "gynephilia."
Aporace: A term that may refer to someone who does not experience romantic attraction or does not fit into conventional romantic categories.
Apothsexual: A term that may describe someone who experiences sexual attraction only in specific circumstances or under certain conditions.
Aromantic: Someone who experiences little to no romantic attraction to others.
Bear: A subculture within the gay community characterized by larger, hairier individuals who often embrace their body hair and masculinity.
Bigender: Someone who identifies as having two distinct gender identities, either simultaneously or at separate times.
Cetero: Short for Ceterosexual which is individuals who are primarily attracted to non-binary individuals or those who do not conform to traditional gender categories
Demiboy: Someone who partially identifies as a boy or man, but not entirely.
Demigender: A term used to describe someone whose gender identity is partially, but not entirely, connected to a specific gender.
Demigirl: Someone who partially identifies as a girl or woman, but not entirely.
Gay Man: A man who is romantically and/or sexually attracted to other men.
Genderfluid: Someone whose gender identity shifts and may not remain fixed.
Genderflux: A gender identity that is fluid but fluctuates in intensity.
Genderqueer: A broad term for individuals whose gender identity does not conform to traditional binary notions of gender.
Greygender: A gender identity that falls somewhere between being exclusively male or female.
Greyromantic: Experiencing romantic attraction infrequently or with low intensity.
Greysexual: Experiencing sexual attraction infrequently or with low intensity.
Gynephilia: An attraction primarily to women or femininity.
Intergender: A gender identity that incorporates aspects of multiple genders.
Intersex: Refers to individuals who are born with physical or genetic variations that do not fit typical definitions of male or female.
Maverique: A gender identity that is independent and unique, often not easily categorized.
MLM: Short for "Men Loving Men," used to describe romantic and/or sexual relationships between men.
Neutrois: A gender identity that is neutral or agender.
Non-binary: A gender identity that does not fit within the traditional binary concept of male or female.
Omnisexual: A term used to describe sexual attraction to people of all genders.
Pangender: A gender identity that encompasses all genders.
Pansexual: Someone who is romantically and/or sexually attracted to people regardless of their gender.
Polyamorous: The practice of engaging in romantic or sexual relationships with multiple partners with the knowledge and consent of all involved.
Polygender: Identifying with multiple genders simultaneously or at different times.
Polysexual: A term sometimes used interchangeably with pansexual, referring to attraction to multiple genders.
Sapphic: Often used to describe women who are romantically and/or sexually attracted to other women.
Trigender: Someone who identifies with three distinct genders.
Two Spirit: A term used by some Indigenous cultures in North America to describe individuals who embody both masculine and feminine qualities and may have unique spiritual roles.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.