Clip-On Labels — Parametric labelling system

A simple and versatile way to label your plants. Easy to customize to fit your needs with lots of ready to print labels.
In the contest Gardening Tools
updated April 22, 2021




Labelling the plants in our gardens can be both fun and useful, but having to print an entire label for each plant can be annoying and wasteful.

This is why I designed this parametric labelling system based on a super easy to print clip.

The fact that it is parametric means that you can adjust it to fit your need simply by changing the value of a variable.




The clip, on the other hand, allows you to swap the labels without having to print the entire thing again. Not only you can swap labels but you can also add any design by clipping the one you want on.


If you like this design please click the ♡ button, if you don't tell me how to improve in the comment section.



  • 2021-04-23: Added the “Stand” part as suggested by u/CHRISKOSS on reddit. Added a rendering of all the parts and made some minor changes to the instructions.
  • 2021-04-27: Added image with parameter explanation for the “Stand”.
  • 2021-07-05: Added “LowerCaseLetters”, “LowerCaseForeignLetters” and “UpperCaseForeignLetters” folders in the File section as suggested by Virgia in the comments.

Part list

  1. Label: The label is the part with the text written on, you can find some pre-made ones in the files section (I made some letters, numbers and weather icons so that if you want to can start printing right away)
  2. Label for hand note: This is a special label which has a housing for a piece of paper so that you can write what you want on it
  3. Picket: The picket is the part you put into the ground and has a part on the top to hold the labels
  4. Hook: The hook is an optional piece you can use in place of the picket to attach the label to a branch of a tree or to a vase (see pictures). Note: you may need to print the label with the text reversed to read it properly (see the instructions below)
  5. Stand (NEW): Use the stand to place your labels on a flat surface.

Printing instructions

All the parts can be printed as they are oriented (on the side) with no supports but if you want to have a coloured text like in the image you have to position the label flat on the bed and follow this guide to make a Color Change:

The layer height doesn't matter too much so choose the one you prefer based on the look you want to achieve.

If you don't have a great layer adhesion you may want to use a brim as the base surface is quite small compared to the height (this is mostly true for the bigger pickets).

Editing parameters

Note for the lazy ones😄: If you don't want to mess around with Fusion 360 you can find all the letters of the alphabet in the “Letters” folder and print the ones you need.

If you are not lazy instead follow this steps to make your own labels



To edit the parameters of the design you need to go into Fusion 360, open the .f3d file that you can find in the “File" section and go to “Modify” → “Change Parameters”.

Please note that changing the parameters too much might cause problems in the design and you may have to play with them to find a suitable value.

Please change only the starred (⭐) parameters in Fusion 360.

You can find the explanation of the parameter names in the last images at the top of this page.







Editing the label

To change the text on your label open the .f3d file in Fusion 360 and follow the steps in the gif below:

Flipping the text on the label

If you want to hang the label upside-down you need to follow this steps to easily reverse the text:

Exporting the .stl

One you you are ready to print the file right-click on the part you want to print, select “Show in browser”, right-click on its name in the browser and select “Save As STL”.

Now you are ready to go!


  • Here you can find a link to the icons I used in case you want to add you owns (adding an svg to a sketch in Fusion is not difficult but I don't think this is the right place to explain how to do it, follow this tutorial and add the image you like to the existing label).




Awarded in the contest

Gardening Tools
477 entries | March 18 – May 2, 2021

Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
