Allows for clamping ergodox ez to desk in an upright position, with any angle from 90 to probably about 50 degrees.
Frees up heaps of desk space and reduces wrist pronation.
Inspired by and, but their dimensions were way off and parts kept breaking. This is much more robust, and has been measured and tested for a good, sturdy fit.
Print on its end with supports for the best strength. Do not print in the position it will be used in; the layers will snap.
I recommend wrapping a rubber band under the end, it does a great job of creating friction and preventing it rotating (especially when playing games).
I used this to clamp, parametrised to be wider to fit my desk. There are two circles depending on whether you are clamping from the front or the back.
Category: Tools
The author remixed this model. Imported from Thingiverse.
Total redesign for more strength, proper fit, custom angle and more stability