For years now I've had a ratty nail going through the magnet to hold my Hue motion sensors in the corner. It not only looks janky, it doesn't stay put very well. Then, I got a 3D printer. i checked out a few models online, but I didn't find exactly what I wanted. So, I made yet another version of a corner mount for the Hue motion sensors.
1 - M3x12 screw
1 - M3 heat insert
2 - 1 ½" / 40mm tapered head wood screws
I printed my mounts with the following settings which are incorporated into the included .gcoode files:
Step 1: Once printed place the heated insert into the small hole in the middle of the model.
Step 2: Next, hold the mount in place and attach to the wall using the wood screws.
Step 3: Then, attach the magnet using the M3x12 screw. Be sure to do this after attaching the mount to the wall, otherwise your wood screws are going to try to stick to the magnet while you're trying to place them in the holes. (Ask me how I know.)
Step 4: Attach the motion sensor by placing it on the mount with the "Philips" logo facing down. The small channel on the bottom will allow the temperature sensor on the back to remain unobstructed.
As always, thank you for taking the time to check out my model. I’ve put a lot of hours into this project to get it just right. Please consider clicking the ❤ and/or leaving me an encouraging comment if you appreciate my effort.
If you print this model, please take a picture of your awesome new Corner Mounts in action. Then, post your make here and leave a review. ;) I will continue to update the model with new variants as long and often as needed to ensure it is the best possible quality. See the Updates section below with notes on changes to the models.
I’m always happy to share my designs with anyone who wants to use them. You’re welcome to remix this model and share this model, but if it’s something very simple, I would appreciate the opportunity to add it to my model first. Likewise, if you do share or remix it, I only ask that you give the appropriate attribution and share under the same license. It should also be noted that the files nor the printed items based on them may be sold.
If you really appreciate my work, you can also donate to my PayPal filament fund:
Note #1: This model was designed in Fusion360. It was sliced in PrusaSlicer 2.6.1, using the MK4 Input Shaper profile.
1 Nov 2023 - Version 1.0 posted to Printables.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.