So I needed plant labels, and recently got into playing around with OpenSCAD. So this is my attempt to port the awesome design by @fortinmike to OpenSCAD.
Whilst not exactly the same, it tries to provide a very similar look. You can see that the leaves don't look nearly as nice as in the original.
To get your customized models for printing, you will need
At the top of the script you can add all the labels you want. You can add as many as you like, and export them for printing.
labels = [
// First element in the array will be written on front of the stick,
// Second element will be "stamped" into the back.
["Paradeiser", "San Marcano"],
["Kürbis", "Butternut"],
["Kürbis", "Hokkaido"]
There are also variables to set the length, width and size of the stick and its leaves.
See the original design for more detailed print instructions.
If the labels are exposed to a lot of sunlight (which, if you are using it for plants, is very likely :)), you really should consider printing them with PETG or something similar. PLA tends to get brittle and could deform.
The author remixed this model.
Reworked model in Openscad, basically its a new model, but took heavy inspiration from the original.