After using printed and purchased tungsten grinder jigs that use drilled set screws, I found SchmitzBert's remix of the Clough42 grinder that uses TIG collets. Brilliant! I printed one and bought the right-size diamond wheel. It grinds tungsten really well, and I know what diameter and angle I'm using. Unfortunately, it did not fit my table, the tab was a little bit too short. I added a bit of length to the tab, and then with the additional space, I decided onboard storage of 4 collets would be a nice addition.
I printed my test version with Esun PETG, it seems to work OK. I have an MK4, using a 0.4 nozzle. This was printed with a 0.2 layer height, 3 perimeters, and 20% infill. I will probably reprint with some CF PETG one of these days, but I did not want to use that until I knew the design worked as intended.
Any errors are mine, I am no pro with F360. I attached the F3D file if your collets are a different size than mine. Mine are CK-style short collets with a large diameter of 0.25", so I made the holes 0.26".
[Edit 11/1/23]
After printing and using it, I decided that the collet holes were a bit loose for my collets, so I decreased the hole diameter by 0.010". This version works a lot better for me. Uploaded a small hole 3mf if anyone is interested.
The author remixed this model.
I took SchmitzBert's excellent remix of Clough42's dremel grinder, lengthened the tab to fit my fab table better, and added storage for 4 collets onboard.