FLSUN V400 LED Triangle - Electronic Bay Cover

I design a Electronic Bay Cover with Triangle LED Ring Light
updated March 26, 2024


I design a Electronic Bay Cover with LED Light


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Its a heavy redesign of the still nice design of the FLSUN V400 Top Cover from JohnJacky

The electronic bay clover is necessary if you install a enclosure. It's to prevent the Electronic Bay from to much hot air from the print/printsurface. And it helps to get a better temperature in the enclosure to print ASA/ABS/Nylon. 

The V400 is a Delta Printer with a Triangle Shape so i design the LED Ring also as a Trianglering this looks for me better than a normal Neopixels ring, but the LED Strip needs to be cutted and soldering the LED at the corners 




2 Versions available

I upload 2 Versions a Normal one and a Splitted one

→the normal one 

can only be printed with backside on the printsurface due to the LED Slot

→the splitted one

 can be printed with front on the printsurface so that you can use a carbon_look_ plate  PET, a triangle_look_plate PEO, or a PEI or what ever you like. 

The Parts at the splitted version needs to be glued together after printing, but it looks much nicer with a nice print pattern than the normal one. 

-The LED Cover and the Letters fits on both versions 

I printet the LED Cover and the Letters with Glow in The Dark Filament, it works great for me looks cool if the LED swiched off. But you can also print it with clear or white filament.




Splitted Version 

→Splitted Closer part 1/2/3 

  • Layerhight: 0.2 mm
  • Walls: 3
  • Supports: Yes
Normal Version

→Closer part 1/2/3

  • Layerhight: 0.2 mm
  • Walls: 3
  • Supports: no
LED Cover

→LED Cover Part 1/2/3

  • Layerhight: 0.12 mm
  • Walls: 3
  • Supports: No
  • Layerhight: 0.2 mm
  • Walls: 2
  • Supports: No

-》If you wanna Print Glow in the Dark, I recommend 10 Top and Bottom Layer 




Mounting of the Splitted Version :
  1. Glue the Splitted Closer part 1 frame and Splitted Closer part 1 plate together.
  2.  Glue the Splitted Closer part 2 frame and Splitted Closer part 2 plate together.
  3. Glue the Splitted Closer part 3 frame and Splitted Closer part 3 plate together.
  4. Glue the Closer part 1,2 and 3 together..
  5. Glue the FLSUN Letters on the Closer
  6. Install the NEOPIXELS, cut the Strip in 6 parts 3x 5 LEDs for the corners 3x 14 LEDs for the strait,  solder the 6 Strips together with cables - Watch out of the Arrow on the strip this is the direction of the digital signal it must be from the connector strait in line to the end. 
  7. Clip the LED Cover in 
  8. install the Closer on the lower side of the upper electronic bay of the V400 with 10x M3x12 and M3 Nuts
  9. connect the Neopixel connector to the Mainboard and install the Software
  10. or connect the LED to a Adaptor (5V/2A)  


Mounting of the Normal Version :
  1. Glue the Closer part 1,2 and 3 together..
  2. Glue the FLSUN Letters on the Closer
  3. Install the NEOPIXELS, cut the Strip in 6 parts 3x 5 LEDs for the corners 3x 14 LEDs for the strait, solder the 6 Strips together with cables - Watch out of the Arrow on the strip this is the direction of the digital signal it must be from the connector strait in line to the end.
  4. Clip the LED Cover in 
  5. install the Closer on the lower side of the upper electronicbay of the V400 with 10x M3x12 and M3 Nuts
  6. connect the Neopixel connector to the Mainboard and install the Software
  7. or connect the LED to a Adaptor (5V/2A)  

LEDs - Neopixels:

i used a 1m Neopixelstrip with 60 Neopixel LEDs

like these


as already written in the Mounting

cut the Strip in 6 parts 3x 5LED for the corners 3x 14 for the strait the solder the 6 Strips together with cables - Watch out of the Arrow on the strip this is the direction of the digital signal it must be from the connector strait in line to the end.

and for the activation i used the Neopixels Makro from Cyril Guislan

Guilouz/Klipper-Flsun-Speeder-Pad Wiki · GitHub

Neopixels · Guilouz/Klipper-Flsun-Speeder-Pad Wiki · GitHub

But you can also use just a normal 5V adaptor(2A) with a simpel switch to switch on and of the Triangle LED Ring

I wrote a neopixels.cfg wich has a cool Startsequenz when the printer starts.

Diplomator - Startsequenz



Have Fun



Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

LED Neopixel Triangle Ring added
