Disposable Face Mask Shelf

This is a simple wall mounted shelf with an optional reminder sign to wear a mask when leaving your home.
updated April 7, 2021



I didn't have enough space near my front door for a small table to put a box of masks on so I designed up a simple wall mountable shelf that holds a 50 count face mask box. I also created a simple sign that can be attached to the back to remind me not to forget my mask when going outdoors.

There are 2 versions of the sign, one is the original with no tapered pegs and the other (v2) has a tapered/chamfered pegs. I have not printed version 2 of the sign so YMMV. For the original version I have to chamfer them with snips to get it into the holes on the back with some careful encouragement from a rubber mallet.

Print the shelf in PET-G for extra strength and it's easier to clean/disinfect than PLA.

Printed the sign in PLA with a pause at the first letter layer so a colour change can be performed.

I would recommend attaching the sign BEFORE wall mounting them as it needed quite a bit of force with a rubber mallet to get it in.

Additional Materials you will need.

2 Drywall anchors and 2 tapered screws.

Resolution0.30mm speed or quality
MaterialPLA & PET-G
Filament ProfilePrusament PLA & PET-G
Filament BrandSpool 3D Red PLA, Filaments.ca Econofil Black PET-G, Canadian Maker Series White PLA.
Detect Thin WallsDisabled
Extra PerimetersDisabled
PrinterPrusa MK3S
SupportsRequired for the pegs on the sign.
IroningOn for sign only
Other SettingsNone




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