Best results with organic supports for handle’s rounded parts (flat side down) and snug supports for blade (tip up). If necessary, sand or file surface of holes and pins where blade fits into handle for smooth movement. For a clean edge on the very tip of the blade, use a razor to trim the excess.
I loved Minicoin's design, I wanted to make a few changes
- Tightened tolerances a little for less side to side blade movement
- Added weight to handles for swing momentum
- Adjusted dimensions so the handles resist closing fully to avoid pinching hands (same as real ones do).
- Changed width of pins so they don't slip apart as easily… I still use a drop of super glue to bind them, probably unnecessary. Push firmly to seat them all the way down. The tolerances are tight, depending on your printer you may want to shrink the inside pin a tiny bit.
- Added holes at the base of the handle to fit two more pins for detail.
The author remixed this model.
See above