Nespress Capsule Wall Holder - Single Piece

Remix of Nespresso Capsule Wall Holder by Jackierslr, but with top and bottom combined to print on a large print bed.
updated November 12, 2023



My Nespresso capsule wall holder light by pumikachu were starting to lose their integrity after a few years of hard use. I had also acquired a larger printer since then. I found that Jackierslr had remixed them to be a bit sturdier in Nespresso Capsule Wall Holder.


  • I had found the light design a bit flimsy for heavy use, so opted for Jackierslr's remix hoping it would be more sturdy.
  • I also did not enjoy the post-print assembly and linkage, specifically on some assemblies the capsules would catch on the middle.
  • I had acquired a larger printer since making the original designs by pumikachu, so figured I should be able to print them in a single piece making them stronger again.


  • Will need a 300x300 print bed
  • I printed in 48mins (acocunting for minimum layer time of 20s) on my v2.4 in ABS


  • My TinkerCAD design available at this link

Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Nespresso Capsule Wall Holder
by Jackierslr (

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Combined in TinkerCAD (link) to be a single piece with no connector.
