A RepBox compatible or standalone rewinder system for Prusa MMU2 & REPLACE THE BUFFER BOX!
20h 18m
3× print file
0.20 mm
0.30 mm
0.40 mm
250.00 g
46 k
updated October 19, 2019



These are *Amazing.. With some time and patience, this design will pay off for your #mmu experience! Printed in @Prusament Orange PETG

I'm working on my own back reeling but I decided a while ago Springs were probably out of the question. I did design a system that works to move all four wheels with one spring and it winds the spring using the motion from the reals on the extruder but again I don't think Springs are very elegant solution.. It's probably easier to just have something that that spins constantly on a motor and a clutch

Does anyone know how to source the non-printable parts for this print or know a different solution for rewinders that work with with repkord boxes?

@DavePowers_1809741 the cores were just IKEA tape measurers. About $4 a piece.

This should prolly be removed from Printables as the parts to source are very expensive. Making it ridiculous to buy the non printed parts especially if you are doing more than one. (edited)

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@devildog125_475127 I don't understand what youre referring to. Have you had an issue with something you ordered from us? Also I don't manufacture the parts you're referring to. How am I supposed to control what they cost?

@devildog125_475127 the parts are actually cheap. I only paid a few dollars each for the Ikea tape measures. I politely disagree - this is a BRILLIANT design for your #mmu.

Has anyone tried using one of these with the MMU3? (I know the MMU3 isn't in many hands yet, but here's hoping)

@Okojo Also wondering this as someone who is waiting on an MMU3 for MK4 and thinking about buying a RepBox

This was a bit challenging to put together (I couldn't source all parts locally) and make it work, but the result is good and functional.

@Kehet Any way you can post a list of the parts you sourced? I am having trouble finding the parts.


- Axle was probably the hardest part to find, I had issues finding one which was long enough and thin enough. I think ended up using these https://www.amazon.de/-/en/gp/product/B00LB33K6G (can't remember if I had to shorten these with a hacksaw...)

- Spring cartridge was from an IKEA TRIXIG measuring tape (the old black and orange model which is now discontinued (at least here) and replaced with this new black and blue one, not sure if it still fits).

- The spring was also difficult to find, I ended up buying many sizes and one happened to be of suitable stiffness. The spring doesn't need to be this exact diameter as long as it's long enough, it can be narrower. I think it's this one I ended up using https://www.amazon.de/dp/B07H84L9CL

- For bushings I bought some silicon tube from a local hardware store, but it was too sticky even after greasing, so I removed it. If friction / wear becomes a problem, I'll just print that part again.

- I have a huge collection of random screws and nuts, but those should be easy to source from Amazon, just buy one of those boxes with multiple lengths

I hope this helps

Just finished printing everything. Have it on lack enclosure set up with Mmu. No problems with the print. Surprised that no one had made any adaptors for polymaker spools. I’m trying, but new to using fusion. (So far just making it worse, but still trying)

Excellent! (edited)

I made an adapter for Atomic by editing the Prusament STL and it seems to work alright but I don't yet have a full setup to test it. After making both a ring and a base-cap and putting it together, there isn't really enough room for the ring. It seems that the Atomic spools are 1-2mm wider in the middle. Or at least the ones I am testing with are.

For that reason, I'm thinking of only sharing the base-cap so people don't print both and run into the same space issues I am having.

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@aosilver j’avoue que pour ça j’ai choisi la facilité, je les ai commandé sur le site
Repbox , mais ils ne le vendent plus.
Je pense que c’est surtout les ressorts qui vont être compliqué à trouver.