A recreation of the “Pieces” features in the Netflix show The Devil's Plan.
I spent a bit of time trying to recreate the three different “pieces” that are featured in the South Korean reality gameshow / competition. I've included a few different versions included an unmarked version, in-case someone would like to make their own writing as a solution.
I'm not 100% satisfied with what I have created, but I didn't really want to spend more time on this. I took it as an opportunity to learn more about Fusion 360, and have included that file as well.
I printed at 0.2mm layer height for each piece. The unmarked pieces can be printed quite well flat on the print bed.
The marked pieces I would print standing vertically so that the markings come out in more detail. “Piece 3” with the markings is slightly harder to print and probably needs supports. I would print “Piece 3” so that the small middle part has lines going horizontally across the piece so that it would not break so easily, and maybe make sure that small section is also 100% infill.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.