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5.25" Half Height Bay Gotek Floppy Emulator Bracket with space for 3.5" disk drive

Bracket to fit a Gotek emulator drive as well as a 3.5" floppy drive in the same 5.25" (half height) drive bay
updated March 23, 2021



Bracket to fit a Gotek emulator drive as well as a 3.5" floppy drive in the same 5.25" (half height) drive bay

Due to space constraints priority was given to having a screen (128x64 OLED) so there is no rotary encoder mount/hole. Have also removed the green LED hole.

The OLEDs purchased via eBay or Ali express etc... vary in size a lot so the ones you want are 27mm high by 25mm wide. You will also need longer wires than the ones supplied with the Gotek in order to reach the screen from the Gotek board.

It is a very tight fit with the large capacitor on the Gotek just touching the bottom of the 3.5" drive. You may require some insulating tape for this depending on your drive case. Luckily some Goteks have this capacitor laying down so it is not an issue. Also if you want to add a buzzer you will need to put right angle pins in or solder direct.

Added a second version moving the Gotek to the left for those that may prefer this

*Originally from my Thingiverse listing and printed on my Anycubic i3 Mega, photos are from that print which I'll update if I print on my new Prusa MK3S+


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.
