This is a carefully curated remix to replace the cardboard standees in the hidden movement boardgame Beast (
If you're wanting Watchtowers for this game please check out my other remix (you'll need 6x).
1x Raaga.stl
1x Basalisk1.stl
1x Basalisk2.stl
1x Mara.stl
2x Banshee.stl
1x Hogbad.stl
3x WarPig.stl
1x Bolgin.stl
3x Polyp.stl
1x Fangrir.stl
3x Wolf.stl
1x Esmeria.stl
2x Changeling.stl
I had a lot of issues with Cura supports - the way it typically handles tree supports results in the entire piece being enveloped with the tree trunk and ultimately breaks the legs of most models while removing them. I found this slightly older and custom compiled version of Cura to do tree supports MUCH better:
The author remixed this model.
For most models not explicitly stated below I added a circular stand. Poly counts were lowered for size as these are used for miniatures and detail is less important.
Raaga is a combination of the Sea Serpent, Snake, and Basalisk by merging the three heads to one body.
Mara - Combined Humanoid Bat Fantasy (arms, wings) with Harpy Miniature body, merging the arms into the wings.
Bolgin - Removed tongue and moved mouth up, added horns.