Beast Boardgame - Collection/Remix of Beasts

A collection of models to replace the cardboard standees in Beast
updated October 6, 2023



This is a carefully curated remix to replace the cardboard standees in the hidden movement boardgame Beast (

If you're wanting Watchtowers for this game please check out my other remix (you'll need 6x).


  • Printed at 0.1mm layer for detail, infill is usually inconsequential, and wall width could be increased.
  • If you have difficulty printing miniatures on your printer scroll to the bottom of the description for a possible solution.
  • The sizes here took some time to get right. You might find you want to increase them but I remade these STLs from memory of what sizes I used. Given the material required reprints shouldn't be terribly costly.
  • My solution for Mara is arguably pretty weird. She isn't a harpy so feathered wings didn't match her. I also struggled to find a vampire that works so I blended a couple things together and her shoulders look weird. At the scale I have her printing it isn't obvious though. Also: Her wings will print pretty thin, see the next bullet point about primer.
  • I coated all models with multiple coats of Vallejo surface primer to add a rubbery coat and hopefully increase durability/density.

Print Counts:


1x Raaga.stl

1x Basalisk1.stl

1x Basalisk2.stl


1x Mara.stl

2x Banshee.stl


1x Hogbad.stl

3x WarPig.stl


1x Bolgin.stl

3x Polyp.stl


1x Fangrir.stl

3x Wolf.stl


1x Esmeria.stl

2x Changeling.stl


Tree Support Help:

I had a lot of issues with Cura supports - the way it typically handles tree supports results in the entire piece being enveloped with the tree trunk and ultimately breaks the legs of most models while removing them. I found this slightly older and custom compiled version of Cura to do tree supports MUCH better:


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Wendigo Spirit
by Multiverse3DDesigns (
Harpy Miniature
by Ilhadiel (
zombie=rot carrier - underhiver - t-model
by jimjimjimmyjim (
by gloomyKid (
wolf and Dire wolf
by hugolours (
by Multiverse3DDesigns (
Humanoid Bat Fantasy
by Jazz998 (

Differences of the remix compared to the original

For most models not explicitly stated below I added a circular stand. Poly counts were lowered for size as these are used for miniatures and detail is less important.

Raaga is a combination of the Sea Serpent, Snake, and Basalisk by merging the three heads to one body.

Mara - Combined Humanoid Bat Fantasy (arms, wings) with Harpy Miniature body, merging the arms into the wings.

Bolgin - Removed tongue and moved mouth up, added horns.


Highlighted models from creator

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