Bonsai Bill's (aka Bullet Bill) Cannon

A cannon for Bonsai Bill by Sdvaletone.
updated October 6, 2023



Files tested with the following slicers:
PrusaSlicer 2.6.1
Orca Slicer 1.7.0
SuperSlicer (Nightly Dev Build)

Using the above slicers, I recommend using the .step files and following steps 1-9

Due to limitations in features in Cura I had to add .stl files for those using it. So if you are using Cura 5.4.0 (or lower) select your base from the STL folder and follow Steps 1 (ignore the move/scale comment), 7-9

Cura users ignore → This model uses negative volume objects to get the desired effect instead of in the modeling software. How to use the files:

The following steps should work just fine in PrusaSlicer and SuperSlicer. See *Notes in regards to Orca Slicer and probably Bambu Slicer.

Step 1:
Load the Bonsai Bill Cannon - Base, do not move or scale the model yet


Adding insets for the Skull

Step 2:
IF you want to make an inset into the base for the skulls, Right-click the model, select “Add Negative Volume” choose “Load”, find the file “Bonsai Bill Cannon - Skull (R Side - Negative Volume) v1.step”

The negative volume files are enlarged by 0.2mm tolerance. There is also a L/R file that includes both sides in one file so Step 4 could be skipped. While I found the 0.2 tolerance to be a nice fit for me I did add in 0.3 & 0.4 tolerance files, choose the tolerance that works for you, see step 3.

Orca Slicer: For some reason, the negative volume files get dropped below the bed so you will need to click on them and then move them up. I think setting the Z to -24 with a scale of 100% (no scaling should be done yet) looks about right but you may need to adjust higher or lower depending on your preference, the XY should stay at whatever numbers they are at.

Step 3:
I would suggest a test print at this stage by splitting/cutting the end of the model (say 5mm thick) and printing that side with the inset, you will need to print the regular skull as well to see if it fits. At this point if you are doing the test you can scale the model up/down but only for the test, reset to 100% until you are ready to print then scale it up/down before slicing.

Step 4:
Repeat Step 2 but choose the file “Bonsai Bill Cannon - Skull (L Side - Negative Volume) v1.step” If you printed a test piece and it all fits, step 3 can be skipped.

Orca Slicer notes for Step 2 still apply here.


Hollowing out the base. 

Step 5:
Same as for the skull, Right-click the model, select “Add Negative Volume” choose “Load”, find the file “Bonsai Bill Cannon - Negative Volume to hollow Base.step”

Orca Slicer: Same issue as with Steps 2 & 4, In this case setting the Z to -28 with a scale of 100% looks about right, again the XY should stay at whatever numbers they are at.

Step 6: 
IF your slicer tries to add support in the hollowed-out area in the base you can do the following: Right-click the model, select “Add Support Blocker” choose “Load”, find the file “Bonsai Bill Cannon - Negative Volume to hollow Base.step” select this file in the file list on the right side in PrusaSlicer and scale THIS file (not the one in step 5) up 1%, you just need it slightly bigger than the hollow.

Orca Slicer: Same issue as with Step 5, In this case setting the Z to -27 with a scale of 100% looks about right, again the XY should stay at whatever numbers they are at. In this case you want the support blocker just a bit higher than the negative volume block. Again, only needed if your slicer is trying to add support here as it is not needed.

Other Parts

Step 7:
Printing the Trunnion, you will need 2. These are to pin the Barrel to the Base. I printed these with Top/Bottom Fill Patterns set to Concentric.

Step 8:
Printing the Barrel, I printed this with Top/Bottom Fill Patterns set to Concentric. I found it best to stand it on end to print, it will need support for the trunnion cradle on the sides.

Printing the Skull, Import the “Bonsai Bill Cannon - Skull.step” file. Assuming you are printing 2, one for each side, select the file in the list on the right, hit the + button to add a 2nd instance, Right-click one of the instances and “Set as a separate object”, select one of them, click “Place on Face” and choose the side of the skull facing away from the other one, repeat for the other skull. You can now arrange them on the build plate. The Skulls are not symmetrical (ie. the left side is not a mirror of the right side).

Orca Slicer: Didn't see a add instance anywhere so I just imported the skull model again..

Any scaling done to the base will of course need to be done to the Trunnion/Barrel/Skull.

Other Print Settings (nothing special):

Nozzle: 0.4
Layer Height: 0.2
Perimeters: 3
Top/Bottom solid layers: 3
Infill: 5% Gyroid
Top/Bottom Fill patterns: Monotonic Lines (except Steps 7 & 8)
No Skirt/Brim
Support: Yes
   auto generated
   Top Contact z distance: 0.1
   Top Interface Layers: off
   Don't Support Bridges: unchecked (personal preference on this on)
   Tip Distance: 0.4
   Branch Distance: 0.5
   Branch Density: 90%

ADDITIONAL: For the barrel, I placed the seem on the bottom of the barrel on the outside and at the top on the inside, this way the seem will pretty much never be seen, see images for what I mean.

The above settings are what works for my printers and are my preferences for this particular print, your mileage may vary and may not work for you.

The skulls need to be glued to the sides of the base, assuming you didn't want/print it blank.
I placed glue in the spots where the trunnions slot into the barrel on the sides. Then lined up the barrel on the base and pushed the trunnions into the holes for them in the base and into the holes for them on the barrel. I also added glue to the holes on the base for the trunnions but you may not have to as they are a tight fit and you may want to tilt the barrel, I didn't so I added glue to make sure they didn't move. I also made sure at this time that the barrel was level before the glue hardened up.

I use B-7000 glue for most of my models, works great and doesn't leave a white film/residue like super/crazy glue but it's a little thick and can be stringy.


Bonsai Bill aka Bullet Bill can be found here:
or here:

Original cannon can be found here:
I will note here that I only modded the short and long Barrel files and do not offer the ones with pins, I mean if I get requests for them I can but I don't at the moment see the need.

Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Bill banzai cannon stand
by GedeonLab (

Differences of the remix compared to the original

This is a remix… kind of. I recreated the base from scratch fixing some things I didn't like with the original, fixed a couple of little things with the skull and a minor tweak with the cannon barrel. I did try to stick as close as possible to the original dimensions and shape.

I've made this so that it is a bit more customizable. The base is solid but I have included a couple of negative volume options to hollow the base out. I have also made the skull so that you can either print the base as is and glue on the skull or you can use the skull as a negative volume to cut out the base and inset the skull flush. Also made the trunnion a separate print. 


