Velmi jednoduchý a rychlí tisk, malinko jsem si musel pohrát a umístěním na tiskovou plochu. Na Halloween model určitě využiji zavěsím ho na vlasec ;)
Velmi jednoduchý a rychlí tisk, malinko jsem si musel pohrát a umístěním na tiskovou plochu. Na Halloween model určitě využiji zavěsím ho na vlasec ;)
@JanDostal_467968 thank you very much for your great comment, yes the placement is a bit tricky but i see that you figured it out!
If there is anything you would like to see me upload, let me know!
Happy printing!
Noce model but a Lot of Support so 4 Stars
Tronxy Pla gloe in the DARK blue
@Scared__Bunny thank you so much for downloading and printing my model, please make sure you print it correctly so you do not need any (very few short) supports to print this model. I explained it in the discription and you can find the right orientation in one of the product pictures.
Please try it and if it worked for you, please update your review.
Thank you very much for your time and dedication :)