Based on the fantastic spectra cartridge designed by James Tipton, I've modified it to take full cartridges of film and fit a little more snugly, removing the most tricky aspect of reloading my spectra.
Required Materials:
Required Steps:
Building the Adapter:
To accept 600 film, there are pads on the bottom of the adapter with holes reaching through to the top, simple run conductive copper tape across the pads, up through the holes and form a little bump of conductive tape in the space above to meet with the contacts on the bottom of the 600 film cartridge.
To accept itype film, purchase two rechargeable 3.2v AAA batteries and install them in the space to the right, wires can run through the channels provided to contacts on the bottom of the adapter.
That's it! just pop in a fresh pack of film, remove the door and you're away!
Happy shooting!
The author remixed this model.
Modified to accept a Polaroid film cartridge without having to transfer the film by hand.