Over 90 modified and new parts made. These parts are in progress, parts can be changed, deleted and new ones inserted.
updated November 30, 2024



Over 90 modified and new parts made.

First of all, a big thank you to Matt The Printing Nerd for the really great project THE 100 and The Forgetfull Dev for the outstanding construction documentation.

In the original, the X and Y motors are enclosed in the frame. Matt wrote that this isn't a problem, but I feel better if these engines are cooled. I added openings and ventilation slots for 30 mm side fans. My stepperonline only gets 41°C at 1.2 A with version 1 mm gap. Version 2 with 2 mm instead of 1 mm additional ventilation gap.

A 5015 fan and an XL4015 voltage converter with base can now be mounted on the mainboard holder.

I changed the mounting holes for the power supply on the lower rear frame parts. My power supply has no threads on the left side. To do this, the cable holder is screwed to the power supply and is screwed onto the left frame connector. My power supply is 115 x 215 mm, the M 4 side threads are 32.5 and 183 from the left and 11 mm from the top.

I chamfered surfaces on each of the gantry (3 versions), one version for two linear bearings.

Power plug box

The LED holder is screwed to Conector Z. As an LED strip holder I use "LED_Strip_Main_Body_95mm.stl" from: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2207879 I print the LED strip holder with ASA, the LED strip is too warm for PLA. Cable Holder LED is screwed to Connector Side 2 I. With LED Holder 3 you can mount the LED strips under the belts horizontally, with versions 4 and 5 via the belts. With Connector Plate LED5 you can install a 5 mm LED in the lower fanduct holder to illuminate the nozzle.

Made a sign "THE 100" for the top frame.

Made 5 version (one for ADXL345) of cable holder for the tool head.

Cable Canal for back right and top.

Foot Extension for 8 mm Truck anti-slip rubber or adapter plate for HULA https://www.printables.com/de/model/873633-hula-for-prusa-mk34-prusa-bear

Rod Holder (3 version) for Screw M3x30 added.

Press In for linear bearings on the rod cradle and axial shim for the Y-rods added.

Lightweight GT2 Lock - 6g for all locks - printed with PCTG.

OLED 1,3" Holder (2 version)

Nice CYD (Cheap Yellow Display) case with hinge https://www.printables.com/de/model/825794-the-100-cyd-with-hinge

Fan Cover for 30 mm Fan (Remix from https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4395074 added.

Connector Side2 ZStop -adjustable mechanical Z end stop. 

Z End Switch Holder with mechanical Stop and Z switch pad added.

Belt tensioner for Z synchronous belt added. Needed: Belt GT2 6mm 610 mm, Pully GT2 6mm Z24 D8mm, Role GT2 6mm Z20 D5mm, M5x16, Washer. I unplugged the right Z stepper, works perfectly.

Nozzle for 5015 board fan

Flow test for vase mode added.

With Z Bearing Move you can move the Z linear bearing when installed. Needed: 2x screw M5x60-80 with nut M5.

Extruder Voron M4 modded (2 version). Everyone has the M4 extruder attached to the back. I thought the M4 was too nice to hide in the back. ;-) Version SA for stepper motors with short shaft (20mm). Manual for Voron M4 :  https://github.com/VoronDesign/Mobius-Extruder/raw/m4/Documentation/Assembly_Manual_M4.pdf A M4 Kit : https://a.aliexpress.com/_EH8xbb9 Voron M4 STL: https://vorondesign.com/voron_m4

LW - Light weight version for fanduct, rod cradle and gantry added. I printed the parts with ASA because it is lighter than PLA. Gantry M4 is for screws M4 and outside diameter reduced pulleys, Gantry M5 is for original pulleys. I printed the parts with a layer thickness of 0.2 mm, 0.4 mm line width and 25% infill. Weight saving 101 grams. In addition, I drilled the X linear rods on each side 100 mm deep with 4 mm, weight saving 30 grams. Total moving mass reduced by 131 grams. I extended the CHC heater with 8,5 mm extender.

LW CPAP 22 mm Fanduct added. Instead of the Rapido nozzles, I now used the CHC nozzles because they have a larger opening. Added CPAP hose holder.

CPAP Turbo Remix and turbo sign added. Source: https://www.printables.com/de/model/752455-turbine-turbo-bl-motor - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4610976

Bed Center with 8 mm countersunk spring holes added. Bed Center v2 at the bottom is 3 mm thinner and lighter thanks to recesses, the bed nuts are countersunk by 1 mm, which means the bed nuts have 4 mm more adjustment range. The bed springs are also lowered 8mm.

Now you can use Klicky Probe on my LW mod: https://www.printables.com/de/model/787938-the-100-1101-lw-klicky


I definitely recommend the longer linear bearings LM8LUU with mineral fluid grease EP 0 for Y and Z.

I recommend for X and Y Stepperonline 17HE 19-2004S instead of the BOM stepper because it's a little faster and not as hot. The ACT 17HS5425 (42BYGHW811) are even faster.

Drill 2.5 mm holes with 2.5 mm and screw in screw M3 or melt heat inserts for M3 into 4.6 mm holes. For Z End Switch drill 1,5 mm holes with 1,5 mm and screw in screw M2. For the belt tensioner drill the 4.5 mm hole with 4.5 mm and screw in the M5 screw flush at the bottom.

BSO in 2:56 minutes…


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

cooling X and Y motor, power supply mount, motherboard holder
