I'm still considering this a work in progress as I continue to test the design and get feedback. I'll add pictures in…
updated October 15, 2021



I'm still considering this a work in progress as I continue to test the design and get feedback. I'll add pictures in the future as well.

Ongoing Edits and Changes
EDIT: Apr. 23 2019 - Added an untested mount for the NF 2 in 1 out dual color hot end.

EDIT: Dec. 9 2018 - An error was noticed on the Xmin carriage parts where the rail sits, I removed the error and re-uploaded the Xmin parts.

EDIT: Nov. 16 2018 - I've now tested the 8mm Y rod parts and confirm they perform as expected.

EDIT: Nov. 13 2018 - Added hot end and fan duct mount for the XCR 2in1 dual extrusion hot end (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/3DSWAY-3D-Printer-Part-XCR-2IN1-V2-Color-Switching-Hotend-Two-Color-NV6-Heated-0-4/32911051621.html), other fan ducts may work but may need to be shortened, use my uploaded one for approximate sizing.

EDIT: Nov. 12 2018 - Had to make a quick addition to the X min joiners, the switches weren't engaging before the housings were touching so I added a bit of an offset to help engage the switch earlier.

EDIT: Nov. 2 2018 - Made quick adjustment to the carriage, it had trouble printing and slicing due to thin walls around the holds for the m3 bolts that hold the belt tensioning bracket. Also added (untested) mounts for an E3D Titan and BL-Touch

These are parts for a Hypercube conversion to using MGN12H linear rails for the X axis linear movement rather than the standard steel/aluminum/carbon-fiber rods. The goal was to keep the parts simple and printable without supports. The outcome is a motion system that involves less parts and seems more rigid than the stock design. Demo: https://youtu.be/igHfxheWQmU

There are parts available whether your running 8mm or 10mm Y linear rods. Also the joiners utilize 20t idlers. Also I've made the mounting for the MGN12 onto the joiner fairly compliant so sizing should be more forgiving. You'll want to have at least two bolts for each side to prevent any pivoting.I still need to figure out the best size bolt and nut for this, I used some random I had in my shop at the time, I'll provide those specs and other possibilities in the future.

Note that the carriage and hot end mount directly to the MGN12H carriage, so the spacing of the mounting points is not standard Hypercube. Also a quirk is that the fixed and adjustable belt mounting to the carriage is reversed from standard Hypercube, though it shouldn't matter. Finally this carriage also has the integrated belt tensioner system from Anukwolf

Additional Printed Parts Needed:
Joiner Clamps - 10mm - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2012264
Joiner Clamps - 8mm - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1752766
Belt Tensioner Components - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2758419

Components Used:
400mm MGN12 Rail and Bearing Block - https://amzn.to/3fntvHc
8mm Linear Rod - https://amzn.to/2Y5Mpwk
10mm Linear Rod - https://amzn.to/2Y5vfPm
LM8LUU - https://amzn.to/2Y4NwMK
LM10LUU - https://amzn.to/3e8WApn

E3D V6 24v - https://amzn.to/37CSGCI
V6 Clone 24v - https://amzn.to/3hysqOt
E3D Titan - https://amzn.to/3e9YQN8
Titan Clone - https://amzn.to/3ed9mDu
Pancake Stepper for Titan - https://amzn.to/2Y5XRIf
Part Fans - https://amzn.to/3hJzhVE
Hotend Fan - https://amzn.to/37BHbf9

20t 3mm Bore Idler - https://amzn.to/3ef7tX6
Smooth 3mm Bore Idler - https://amzn.to/2N6fL7s
GT2 Belt - https://amzn.to/2zIc1pS

Additional Attribution
This design was done in Tinkercad, where I utilized small components from a number of existing parts, all of which have been changed quite heavily. Here is a list of some of those designs, thanks for your contributions:


Print Settings






Doesn't Matter




Parts need to be stiff.

Category: 3D Printer Parts


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.
