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Panzershrieeek !!! (tank miniatures and wargame rules)

A bunch of 3d printable combat vehicles and some basic rules, stats and + to use them in a wargame, if you feel like it.
19 k
mis à jour 23 février 2021



The minis

These are small combat vehicles (mainly tanks) that are designed to be printed on a FDM machine. 

These models were made to be printed easily on cheap machines with a .4 nozzles. All models were tested on a cheap 2yr-old and dirty stock Ender-3 at .12mm using the standart Cura profile for this printer. For Prusa Machines with Prusaslicer I would recommend printing and .10mm or .15mm. But you can save time and lower the quality if they are intended to be played with.

These models require support, espacially in the tracks (personnaly, since they are made to be played with, I don't even bother removing some of them). Nevertheless, nearly all models are avalaible in two types : full model and multiparts (usually a chassis and a turret).

Note : its possible that you get an error message with some slicers for some models…. you can dismiss that and they will print fine. This is simply due to the non-destructive workflow I used to model them.

Nb.Name of the vehicleVariant(s)
1A-11T-Letho Amphibious Command Vehicle3
2ART4-Spitwater_MkIV Ultramobile Vehicle*2
3HV-R4-Lily pad Hover Tank2
4JG-Wallace Light Tank3
5Lincoln_MkII Main Battle Tank3
6“Little Timmy” Multipurpose Drone10
7LR10-Thunderstorm Long Range Platform2
8MJT-M3-Grasshopper Rapide Deployment Vehicle2
9MLT8-Parriah Armored Missile Platform4
10Mv1-Caracal Quick Response Unit3
11MW8-David Combat Walker5
12[REDACTED] Stealth Tank3
13SR10-Artemis Sniper Tank2
14VX8-Jumping Jack Rapid Deployment Vehicle2
15Z99-BFT-Behemoth Super Heavy Tank1
16XX-00-Blinker Protoype Displacer1
17DDV-Nautile Support Platform1
18Steelworm_v2 Subterranean Tank2

                     *I recommand printing this model with a brim.

The game

Panzershrieeek !!! is a set of homemade rules and stats designed to be used with the minis. You have to take note that this is more or less a hobby project so there is no balance or testing involved at this moment.

It's a wargame designed to be played in any environnement (your living room, your backyard, a parc…), using what is there (furniture, vegetation, landscape…) as a playing ground. Basically, it makes you turn anything into a warzone, using only your imagination. For this reason, the rules are made to accomodate vehicles that can jump, hover, dig, teleport, climb….

All you need to play is some minis, a six-sided dice and a imperial tape measure.

These minis makes great toys for your kids too (I have a bunch of them printed for my daycare)…or for any other game, hell, have fun ! They can also be scaled without issues…but scaling them down too much will bring most of them in resin printer territory….

**Note : the in-rules option represented by the model will be indicated in the files notes.**

Game DocumentsVersion
Basic Ruleset - FRENCH, ENGLISHv.0.1
Stat card template - FRENCH, ENGLISHv.0.1
Stat cards for the vehicles - FRENCH, ENGLISHv.0.1






Game accessories
Scenario ModelRevolving Missile Silo
Scenario ModelOil/Fuel Storage
Scenario ModelArmory/Ammo Storage
Scenario ModelScience Facility
Game TokenSmartmines Field Token
Game TokenLaser Designated Token
Game TokenSmoke Token
Game TokenGeneric +1 Token
Game TokenGeneric -1 Token
Game Token+1 Damage Token
Game Token-1 Damage Token
Game Token+1 Armor Token
Game Token-1 Armor Token
Game TokenCash Token
Game Token“Reload” Token
Game TokenUncloaked/Seen Token
Game Token“Underground” Token
Game TokenThermite Token




















2021/02/22 : Original file upload

2021/02/27 : English translation of the rules, minor corrections for the French version




Origine du modèle

L'auteur n'a pas encore fourni l'origine du modèle.
