Prometheus and Pandora scaled one in two million

Two small moons of Saturn orbiting near the F ring.
updated January 30, 2022



Originally published here: Prometheus and Pandora scaled one in two million by tato_713 - Thingiverse

These models were rendered using MATLAB R2016a on the ICQ models of the PSI made from the data of the Cassini mission.

The file's names explained: name_1_x_10_y.stl is 1 : x* 10^y. So _1_6_10_7 is 1:600000000 or one in 60 million. 

S16 Prometheus

Prometheus is a small inner Saturn moon. It orbits near the inward side of the F ring. Its gravitational influence helps to stabilise the ring. This type of moon is called shepherd moon.

  • Type: Satellite. 
  • Orbit: Saturn. 
  • Orbital period: 14 h 42 min 42 s. 
  • Composition: Icy body, mostly water ice, rubble pile. 
  • Density: 0.48 g/cm3. 
  • Dimensions: 135.6 km × 79.4 km × 59.4 km. 
  • Model scale: 1:1x106 (13cm) 1:2x106 (7cm)

S17 Pandora

Pandora was though to be a shepherd moon similar to Prometheus, because it orbits on the outer side of the F ring of Saturn, but it is not so close to make a noticeable interaction with it.

  • Type: Satellite 
  • Orbit: Saturn. 
  • Orbital period: 15 h 5 min 7 s. 
  • Composition: Icy body, mostly water ice, rubble pile. 
  • Density: 0.48 g/cm3. 
  • Dimensions: 104 km × 81 km × 64 km. 
  • Model scale: 1:1x106 (10cm) 1:2x106 (5cm)


Other astronomical objects

Inner Solar System


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Main Belt Asteroids

Jovian System

Saturn System

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Neptunian System



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Extrasolar Objects

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Science Fiction


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.


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