Print can be done with rough settings, 0.25mm with a 0.4 nozzle are fine to go. The "Roller" part needs support for the lower side, since they have to be printed standing.
Just smack both halfes together, placing one or two rolers in the slots first. Bolt them shut afterwards with M3, 2.9mm self taping or any similar bolt from 12mm up to 16mm lenght. Gluing might also be fine for you
How to use:
Attach the tensioner to something regid, feed the rope you want to be tensioned trough the tensioner and pull it to lenght. The friction will make the little roller turn and lock the rope in place. You might give it a little push with your finger.
Even though this works in every orientation, for camping purposes you should orient the tensioner in such a way that the part locking the rope faces downwards. By this, gravity will assist locking the rope again if something bumps the rope. If you use it as “rope break block” this doesnt matter of course
Which one to choose?
The double sided tensioner is a little more agressive and fast locking even on big ropes but it has slightly bigger dimensions. The single sided one is easier to use and smaler in size. It also is great for thin ropes and better if you want to use it as rope break. If you are still not sure, make a test and compare them to each other for your self. If you are in need for a version even smaler, you can scale the model down to 70% and it'll still work
Print in place
Due to the awesome idea from Joe to try printing the tensioner in only one part, he discovered that it indeed can be used as a print in place model. Therefore you'll find a Print in place version without boltholes and without the seams too. Printing these you dont have to assemble the spanner and also may gain some additional strenght.
NOTE: you have to print the print in place version with organic support and WITHOUT top interface layers for the support. Also, this version might have a little higher friction using it due to sagging and needing support material in general. You'll also loose the ability to have a two color desingt of course
All credit for this discovery and for the first remix, defenetely goes to Joe
Thanks to 3dprintsmith taking the time, making a showcase, you can see it in action now!
DO NOT use it for climbing or in cases where human well beeing is in jeopardy if the tensioner is used (or any well beeing for that matter)
CHANGE LOG 08.10.2023
Reduced the size for the bolt holes from 3mm to 2.8mm in the “bottom parts”. This might fix the problem, some encountered with the bolts being a little to loose
CHANGE LOG 07.09.2023
Added a version which can be printed in place (can be printed in one part)
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