Metal shelves foot or cap

I bought some cheap 2nd hand shelves and they were missing feet.
updated September 15, 2019



I bought some cheap 2nd hand shelves and they were missing feet.

I found a few feet on Thingiverse, but they were either way over complicated and took forever to print, or didn't fit because they had curves in the wrong places or were too short.

This is a really lazy design without any curves or niceties, but it prints nice and quick (about 21mins per piece), and fits my set of shelves really well.

This can be used for either a foot or a cap. If you use it as a foot you need to at least make sure you print it solid (default settings in Prusaslicer do this for Flexfil at least) and I take no responsibility for any injury due to failure of the part - make sure you feel it is up to the job before using it.

I've printed mine in Flexfil and they look and work great on my own shelves.

Print instructions

I printed these in Flexfil 98A using Prusaslicer default profile. Prints fine singly, though when printing mutiples I've had some jams which I think are retraction related.

Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
