UPDATE Sept 2023: Improved the size of the SX-70 version (others to follow soon) to allow for the newer Polaroid batteries. These are now .3mf models exported from fusion360, and may not be in the proper orientation.
This is meant to be a slimmer non-destructive DIY option for powering your legacy Polaroid camera so you can use I-type film. Any battery can be used from an old polaroid cartridge to Impossible Project or Polaroid Original films. Any of the batteries, they are all the same or similar.. 600, SX-70, or even Spectra (less capacity, and has cutouts that don't impact anything).
The designs here fit the SX-70 cameras, Impulse cameras (with access to the terminals at the bottom), or CB-70 film backs.
ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS: https://sprkplg.com/impossible-drive-slim-polaroid-battery-holder-diy-instructions/
Any desired layer height will do, there is no delicate or complex geometry. Same with infill. Ironing is overkill for this one but if you have time then go for it.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.