The gcode files here are not 3d models being printed, instead they're for people either diagnosing their machine, or their setup.
These test codes are for diagnosing and finding vibrations, noises, etc on the X or Y Axis. They allow you to have a quick test to find out which is causing any noise, resonance, etc. and at what speed it happens. They can also be useful to test how soundproof your enclosures or other setups are.
Homes the machine, centers the Z axis at 105, then moves X from 0 to 250 and back, then Y 0 to 210 and back at speed intervals 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 150, 180, and 200mm/s. This helps identify which axis is causing noise, and at which speeds.
Homes, centers Z, then moves X/Y both from 0 to 210 and back in sync. X length is reduced to match Y length to ensure the stepper motors are in sync with speed and direction.
Runs exactly like LinearTest2, except it moves X out to 250 to get different overlapping frequencies. Changing the distance means the steppers run at different speeds to reach the given point. This one is most helpful for determining enclosure soundproofing, along with LinearTest5.
Runs LinearTest2 with X/Y reverse of each other. X starts at 0 and moves to 210, Y starts at 210 and moves to 0. This is to blend the stepper motors synced, but spinning in opposite directions.
Runs LinearTest3 with X/Y reverse of each other. X Starts at 0 and moves to 250, Y starts at 210 and moves to 0. This last one really drives home the annoying tones the MK3S can make, even makes stealth mode a bit annoying.
I've stripped almost all useless fluff and only typed in the absolute required gcode to make these as slim and clean as possible. As such, the printer may reject to print these files if you put them on the SD and try to select them via the LCD interface. You will either get the "File incomplete. Continue anyway?" screen, which if you continue, the printer will just sit there and do nothing, act like it will print with no error, and do nothing, or the printer may reboot. This is likely because I'm missing a line or two the printer expects, despite it being completely valid. It might also be rejecting it because it runs it too fast? I had luck simply padding the file with a large comment block and it ran from SD just fine.
From my tests, the MK3S checks for a blank line at the end of the gcode file, and if it doesn't detect this, it thinks the file is incomplete. All the files run fine from SD now that I added a blank line at the end of the files.
To run these files, unload filament and let the printer cool down, then load them with Octoprint or other external method that streams the gcode lines. This lets the gcode run without the printer getting confused.
I'm going to do more testing and see which lines the printer deems absolutely necessary to run on SD and I'll upload those files after a bunch of testing.
For those who seem wary; Open the gcode file in your favorite text editor, such as notepad++. You can see all the code is done in sections, the starter block with acceleration and jerk limits pulled from Prusaslicer, followed by the printer identifier block and parameters, then the movement block itself, followed by the standard end gcode block from prusaslicer to include all the safeties such as turning off the heaters, motors, resetting flow, etc. Everything is commented in the files.
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.