Hi DIYers, I developed my own wiper blade for the iRobot Roomba 581. It’s very easy to print, use PETG with support. It has little flex and is easy to bend to perfect curvature with hot air.
Material: PETG (necessary for after-print bending with hot air)
(Editor’s note: PLA would work also)
Generate support: yes
Wall line count: 10
Clean model after print.
Remove supports.
Sand model, check fit, repeat as needed.
Use hot air to bend legs as needed.
You can use kitchen or cleaning wipes.
Drill or perforate the holes for wipes tightener.
Use a huge, strong plastic Ziplock bag.
Add water.
You can add floor detergent or maybe some scent.
Remove dust bin.
Install wipe and hook it over wipe tightener. (Photo does not correspond 100% with current model, instead of screws on photo you can use printed hooks)
Roll twice over wiping blade and leave tail end of wipe toward the rear.
Install dust bin back in its Position.
Let's wipe!
up to you(PETG)
Wall line count: 10
Category: Parts
The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.