The mini spools needed a home!
Display twenty-four of your favourite tiny filament spools in this stylish set of shelves complete with decorative awning for bonus style. Oh, and that awning is designed for filament swapping to get stripes - no multimaterial setup required!
The shelves have little insets for the spools to reside in both the shelf itself and the back of the unit, too, to keep things nice and neatly arranged.
The awning prints separately and slides onto the top of the shelves. The fit is relatively firm, but will naturally vary according to the specifics of slicing and printing. Centering features on the shelving match up with the retaining tab on the awning to make sure it sits in the right spot.
Getting Stripes on the Awning
There's no need for a multimaterial printer setup to get the stripes on the awning! I've just swapped filament back and forth during the print so that it aligns with the curvy cusp bits.
Print Description
This is a two-part regular print. The awning does need to slide onto the top of the shelves but there's ample tolerance.
Print Dimensions
The shelving occupies 203mm x 101mm on the print bed and is 39mm tall.
Supports Needed?
Not at all! Designed for straightforward printing!
This would scale quite readily up or down, but that's probably only useful if you also have scaled mini spools :P
Print Orientation
The shelf prints back-down, while the awning prints on its side so that filament swaps can be used to get stripes happening! Obviously you can just print it in a single colour, if that's more to your taste!
Further Thoughts
Believe it or not, this originally had doors on the front! Doors didn't really make it easy to actually see the contents, however, so I simplified things to make it all about the spools :)
Happy printing!
The author marked this model as their own original creation.