Deterministic Retraction Calibration Test

Remix from orgemd's "Deterministic Retraction Calibration" to accommodate different retraction values.
updated August 22, 2023



I like this Retraction Test for different reasons, which is why I decided to remix it, to make it possible to callibrate the retraction within a few prints.

  1. The seam is opposite of each other. With many test towers I found that Cura slices the seam whereever it seem fit. I was unable to configure the z-seam in a way so they were opposite of each other. Sometimes the slicer didn't even print the outside wall last.
  2. Before retraction, there is pressure at the nozzle. Some test towers use small diameter circles or short edged cubes, which sometime fail to build enough pressure at the nozzle before it reaches the seam.

This Remix offers more layers than the original to accommodate for different retraction values. I use this in Cura with the Post Processing Plugin. The Post Processing Script used here is “Retract Tower” with the following values:

Change Layer: 25

Change Layer Offset: 4


Note: layer width should be 0.4mm


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Deterministic Retraction Calibration
by orgemd (


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