The TradRack (closed beta at the moment) has amazing, robust hardware. An encoder coupled with, say, the new universal Happy Hare V2 (HHV2) software and an encoder absolutely transforms the TradRack into, in my opinion, the best MMU out there (pending the ERCF V2 release).
I understand Annex initially not wanting to deal with encoders - the one for the ERCF V1.1 kind of sucked total ass (in a bad way, not the 2018 "we eat ass" good way). But mneuhaus, of famed ERCF Binky Encoder development, has finally started shipping.
A TradRack (simplest, best feeder design IMO) coupled with the Binky? Perfection. Standard deviations of 0.0 across hundreds of swaps, minus some slip-ups due to high-content glass fiber filaments that are impossible to grip anyway (glass on hardened-metal glass).
The files and basic ERCF V1.1 style encoder mod were already out and available, under the name "TR加装兔子相关全套改装MOD完结(修正版)/". This is just six hours or so of additional modifications and new construction for the Binky portion, along with English translations and a comprehensible folder structure that's fairly self-explanatory.
1: Download the file, and select the files to print based on the equipment you have. Your choices are:
2: Change your "parking_distance" in ercf_parameters.cfg to around 42, and tune up or down from there. The TradRack has a 5mm buffer zone to hit, and 42 is eventually what worked for me.
Credits to:
mneuhaus's binky and collaboration in the past (they have nothing to do with this mod or release, put no blame on them):,
The original ERCF project by Ette:
The ERCF V2 collaboration from mneuhaus, geoff, gneu:
Annex Engineering and their amazing (but still closed) TradRack project, along with all of their development board work:
Whether you use the ERCF, the Prusa MMU, or the TradRack, the new HHV2 software is pretty dang amazing. Check it out!
The author remixed this model.